The first step is to claim your voucher by filling in the form. You will then receive a code via email that can be used to redeem your roadmap when you contact our team.
Once you get in contact and share your code with us, you will have a discovery call with a member of our team where we will guide you through the process, and ask you for details about your commercial property, such as the age, size, location, purpose and urgency of the project or any specific timing requirements.
We’ll use our database to match you with a suitable, local assessor who will provide a quote for a full property assessment, a complete recommendation report, and the generation of your property’s EPC certificate.
The property assessment typically involves a site visit, during which the assessor will gather information about the property, such as its measurements, construction, heating and cooling systems. Once the assessment is complete, the assessor will provide the property’s current EPC rating. When we have identified your property’s EPC rating, we’ll be able to provide your tailored roadmap of improvements and refurbishment suggestions.
If you choose us as your refurbishment contractor, your EPC voucher will deduct the cost of the earlier quoted property assessment and EPC report. Vouchers are only valid on refurbishment transactions with a minimum value of £5,000.
If you choose to use a different contractor, you can still use our assessment and recommendation report which will be invoiced at the agreed quote price.