Small projects can make a huge difference

Enhancing Office Spaces with Glass Doors for Highvern

In today’s fast-paced business world, the design and functionality of office spaces play a crucial role in productivity and employee satisfaction. Manor Interior Solutions, experts in commercial refurbishments, collaborated with Highvern, an award-winning fiduciary and fund services provider, to optimize their workspace. Let’s explore how a small yet impactful glass door project transformed their office environment.

Identifying the Need

Highvern’s office faced challenges with noise and temperature control due to its open layout. This impacted productivity and employee well-being. Recognizing the need for a solution, Highvern enlisted Manor Interior Solutions for their expertise in office refurbishments.

The Solution in Glass

Manor Interior Solutions proposed the installation of glass doors and partitions to address Highvern’s challenges effectively. These additions not only mitigated noise and temperature issues but also enhanced aesthetics and natural light distribution. Research from sources like the UK Green Building Council emphasizes the importance of natural light in office design for employee health and productivity. The project showcased Manor Interior Solutions’ technical knowledge and attention to detail. The innovative use of a right-angled glass piece provided structural integrity while accommodating existing electrical fixtures. Additionally, opting for wall-hung doors minimized disruptions and maximized floor space utilization.

Project Details
Company name:Highvern
Site Location: London
Project time scales: 1Week
Services provided:

  • Glass Door
  • Glass Partitions